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I know I’m late to the party, but I just rewatched Game of Thrones, and now I can’t stop thinking about what could have been. The first time I watched, I didn’t really care much about the ending. Everyone was up in arms about how trash it was, but I just shrugged it off and moved on. Fast forward a few years, I decide to rewatch it, and now? Now I’m actually pissed. Why now? I have no idea.
So I go on an online rampage looking for an alternative ending to soothe my rage, but I couldn’t find anything satisfactory. And my mind wouldn’t let me rest about it, so I did the only thing I could and came up with my own.
Quick disclaimer—I didn’t see anyone with this ending online, so if there is one out there with this same version already… I promise you it’s just pure coincidence.
So here’s my perfect Game of Thrones ending—because the other one was trash. (Notice how I’m calling it the other one and not the real one? Because this one’s the real Game of Thrones ending for me.

After the Battle of King’s Landing, Jon and Daenerys actually talk instead of jumping straight to betrayal and murder. Jon reminds her of the dream they once shared—a better world, not one ruled by fear, but by justice and wisdom. And for once, instead of shutting him down, Daenerys listens. She realizes she doesn’t have to do this alone. They love each other, they share the same vision, and together, they can make it happen.
So instead of Jon stabbing her, they agree to share the throne and rule as equals—King and Queen of Westeros. Boom. Problem solved. It may not have been a thing before in Westeros, but who cares—new times, new rules.
They get married, because Targaryens marrying each other isn’t exactly new. And the marriage strengthens their claim and solidifies their rule. Jon as the voice of reason and Daenerys as the visionary, they strike a balance. His gentleness keeps her from succumbing to her temperaments, and together, they rule with fairness. They balance each other out perfectly. No one has to die. No one has to be miserable. It just works.
Sansa remains in the North, where she belongs, as Wardeness of the North. She strengthens Winterfell and ensures that the North retains its identity while staying loyal to the crown. Arya sails off to explore whatever’s west of Westeros because nothing is keeping her in one place anyway. Tyrion remains the hand of the queen and Ser Davos becomes the hand of the king. With Sam as the new maester in King’s Landing and Varys as the master of whispers. (Yes, we’re not killing him!)

Oh, and remember Rhaegal being skewered by that bolt? Yeah, no. In my version, he survives too. Because seriously, why waste a whole dragon? Turns out he was just badly wounded, but he recovers, and bonds with Jon because he’s a freaking Targaryen, and he deserves a dragon. So now, we have Daenerys on Drogon and Jon on Rhaegal, flying together doing whatever.
With them ruling together, Westeros finally gets stability. The wars end. The realm heals. Then they have kids, who are raised to rule wisely, continuing the Targaryen legacy. Westeros, at last, knows peace. The wheel isn’t broken—it’s reforged into something better.
Now that, my friends, is how Game of Thrones really ended for me. Not that other garbage!
Just my musings!
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